Thursday, February 22, 2007

The iPod has died

We're not even 2 hours in and the iPod is dead.
Traffic is crap, and it's raining... but this is fun, somehow, and we're all the way into NJ. More reports later.


Matt said...

What ime are you waking Chris for his turn to drive?

Matt said...

So PJ, boot Franson out of the car and get a real driver (me) to pilot that beast. Sheese. :^)

Matt said...

Remember SotB gas is way too expensive to the exits south or north of them.

Matt said...

You guys at South of the Border yet?

Matt said...

Make that "time."

Matt said...

Frig. You guys should have NEVER posted the blog link. :^)

Matt said...

So is the GA event going to make NHIS look large? :^)

Wiley said...

Told ya it was gonna Snow^H^H^H^Hprecipitate. :)