Thursday, November 04, 2010

HD Mag Scan XXLmao

Scanned in the article. Probably the first time we've ever been named in SportsCar after being the ghetto-fabulous underdog for a few years.

Yay. Now if only we had won so they'd have to put a pic of the car in there.... I wouldn't have to do body work so we'll get pictured next year. Anyways, it feels like an accomplishment, albeit a small one. To think that a small mention in a magazine was something we'd hoped for, and almost dreamed about when we started out, kind of puts a perspective on how far both the car and drivers have come. See kids? Hard work and dedication and possibly alcohol can make anything possible, even if you don't have money, sponsors, a clean chassis to start with, or parts that were made by people old enough to drive anything heavier than a rickshaw.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

w3rd! Great job guys! The G-Fab gang are my heroes!